Creating mixins with default parameters is very easy in SASS using maps. Let's say we have a mixin called button size that takes a configuration map called $in:

@mixin button-size($in) {}

And let's say we have a defaults configuration map called defaults inside the mixin that sets the defaults:

@mixin button-size($in) {
  $defaults: (
    pad-v: 10px,
    pad-h: 40px,
    fs: 16px,
    lh: 17px

now, we just have to merge $in with $defaults to enable the consumer to override the defaults:

@mixin button-size($in) {
  $defaults: (
    pad-v: 10px,
    pad-h: 40px,
    fs: 16px,
    lh: 17px
  $opts: map-merge($defaults, $in); // <- Merge

That's it! Now the consumer can provide their own configuration map only for the properties that they want to override.


If you want to make the input configuration optional, set the $in to an empty map:

@mixin button-size($in: ()) {}

Now, your consumer can use your mixin, even if they don't provide a configuration map!